people | process | performance

Healthcare | OPERATIONS | DATA

consulting services




dp3solutions makes its mark at the intersection of healthcare, operations, and data. We work with healthcare leaders, executives, and boards to develop strategic plans, implement processes, and improve operational efficiency. We believe in strong organizational cultures and love to see people succeed on their own and as a team.




Professional coaching for managers, directors, and executives. Trained in the Maxwell Coaching Method, we believe that everyone has the potential to grow and to become a better version of themselves professionally and personally. We are committed to working with any individual or team member who desires to grow and improve their communication, discover their leadership potential, or prepare for the next step in their career. Timeframes and depth of evaluation are determined on a case-by-case basis.


Professional & Executive Coaching, Leadership & Board Training, Team Building…




A consistent and clear process can transform the most confusing of situations into bite-sized manageable tasks. Working with multi-million dollar budgets and staff teams ranging from 4 to 400, we help bring operations management and systems engineering to bear on simple and complex workflows, inventory management, and electronic health records. We strive to keep solutions as simple as possible while addressing the various scenarios that may be encountered so anyone can take over the job if needed.


decision matrix charts, organizational assessments, work-flow diagramming, process mapping, project charters…





We all know we should make better decisions. Data can help. With the right tools we can turn valuable data into insights for decision making by managers, directors, and senior executives. Investments of time and money need to pay off. We can help your team quantify the return on your investments and help develop tools that your team can use to evaluate your performance on an ongoing basis.


custom uds visualizations & dashboards, flow charts, financial analysis…